As tradition has it by now, during odd years, there is a 4CV Muster. And this year, 2023, we went to Moama on the Murray, just across from Echuca.

The Muster was really just a four-day party! Most Musterers stayed at the Meninya Palms Motel in Moama, which made its Conference Room available to us. Thus we always had a venue available for meetings and informal meals.

Sausages anyone?

Friday morning was spent greeting arrivals and after lunch  the first of the weekend’s attractions was waiting. We drove in convoy the short distance to the Echuca Wharf precinct where we had the opportunity to display our cars in the pedestrian precinct while we went on a two hour trip on the steam powered paddle steamer Pevensey. Apart from a couple of showers it appeared that everyone enjoyed the experience.

Experts’ discussions

Saturday was spent with admiring Silo murals in Rochester and Colbinabbin. Both spectacular murals from a  kingfisher complete with a small fish in its beak, a glider possum and a platypus in Rochester to name just a few.

Saturday evening meant the usual AGM affair with the master in action.

The master in charge

Sunday was spent at the the Echuca ‘Beer Shed’ and Heritage Farm Museum, where we inspected some fascinating displays in the museum and outside. The display in the beer shed includes 4000 beer steins, and a gazillion beer cans and bottles, bottle openers, kegs and anything involving enjoying a beer. Other sheds display various horse drawn buggies and carts, classic cars, old farm machinery and equipment etc, etc. There is something for everyone. Outside we enjoyed a the 4CVs on display.

at last, we can recover

And on Monday, it was good byes again until next time at a mini muster in 2024 or in Gilgandra in 2025.

The muster was attended by about one hundred people and: 20 4CVs, 2 R10s, 2 R8 Gordinis, 1 R8, 1 R17, 1 Fregate, 4 Dauphines, 1 A310 V6 Alpine, 1/A110 historic, 1 A110 modern, 6 Floride/Caravelles and several modern cars.

For more details, check out Fourword #137