2024  Mini Muster in Mildura

2024 Mini Muster in Mildura

The Mildura Mini-Muster, held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of March,at Mildura, a gracious regional city on the Murray River in north-west Victoria. The base for the event was the Cottonwood Motel. As usual, registration started on Friday late afternoonr which was...
2023 Muster in Moama

2023 Muster in Moama

As tradition has it by now, during odd years, there is a 4CV Muster. And this year, 2023, we went to Moama on the Murray, just across from Echuca. The Muster was really just a four-day party! Most Musterers stayed at the Meninya Palms Motel in Moama, which made its...
2022 Mini Muster in the Barossa

2022 Mini Muster in the Barossa

For some time there has been discussion about how to make Musters more accessible to younger working people who don’t live close to the ‘Muster zone’. The ‘Muster zone’ is an area about 400km long north to south in central western NSW. One solution is to hold regional...
2021 Muster in Yass

2021 Muster in Yass

The 2021 Muster was held in Yass, near Canberra. Despite Covid and a Q’ld shut-down, we had nearly 20 4CVs and a variety of other models. Yass was always going to be a challenge, given the ongoing uncertainty regarding State border closures. Coming from WA we had four...